Contact the Committee of the Friends of Gosport Museum

The Friends of Gosport Museum will be closed in the next few months and remaining funds transferred to Gosport Museum and Art Gallery. I have left the current Committee Members on the list until the closing has been finalised.

Committee Members – If you want your contact details changed in any way please let me know. Ian

Current Committee

President                                                             – Mr Bob Whiteley

Officers and Committee

Treasure/ Membership Secretary           – David Taylor

Secretary/ Newsletter Editor/ Website – Ian Jeffery
Mob 078 1751 7995 –
Tel 023 9252 3358
11 Harcourt Rd, Gosport,
Hants PO12 3NR

Committee Secretary  – Dot Bedenham

Committee Members

Dr Sydney Aynsworth

Vice Chairman
Project Director
5 committee members

Up to 3 members can be co-opted to the committee or posts by the committee.

The Committee is elected at each AGM, normally around the first week in May, in the Gosport Discovery Centre around 7pm. normally in SEARCH , details to follow.

Any member can be nominated they only need a proposer and seconder and pass  the form to the secretary 14 days before the AGM. If unable to get a proposer and seconder, contact one of the committee members who will be able to make arrangements. There are vacancies on the Committee.

Noticeboard of Past and Current Members